Social networking sites and TV screens bore witness to accusations and counter accusations over the past few days between Khalifa Haftar and his former political advisor, Mohammed Buiser, ranging everything from corruption to cooperation with the Mossad.

Some pages of social networking sites run by what is known as Haftar`s electronic army, published documents in relation to Buiser, who is now based in Washington, accusing him of seeking up to half a million USD a year in return for establishing a company aimed at persuading decision-makers in the United States of America to support Haftar militarily and politically.

According to the leaked documents, Buiser presented the idea to Haftar in an attempt to convince him that such organizations in America play important roles in shaping public opinion, by educating decision makers on facts that may be unknown to them, as well as providing analysis that could help them make the decision to support Haftar`s forces.

The documents also stated though, that Haftar refused such a request and ordered that the request be saved for later date. 

On the other hand, Mohamed Buiser revealed that Haftar signed a contract with a Canadian public relations company, costing in excess of 6 million USD, to promote himself along the corridors of American politics.

Buiser explained through his personal account on Facebook that Haftar collaborated with a former officer in the Israeli military intelligence, named Ari Ben-menashe, who was a participant in the Iran-Contra Affair, noting that he (Buiser) repeatedly advised Haftar not to deal with Israel as the negative repercussions could be great.

Buiser stressed that the attack by Haftar on him is an attempt to smear him and seems like a final act, stressing that because of his close encounters with Haftar, he is able to surmise that “he has very limited capabilities and his actions are leading him to the same fate as the Serbian General Mladic or the Somali Mohamed Farrah Aidid.”

Buiser was quoted in press statements as saying that "Haftar has become a heavy burden on the regional countries that are supporting him, especially Egypt and the UAE.”

“I imagine that he will soon be forced to retire and we will see him as a regular resident at El Shams Club, a social club frequented by retired military personnel in Egypt.” He said.

He also stated on a Libyan TV channel on Saturday that Haftar is repeating the same process of tyranny and military dictatorship in Libya, adding that the Libyan people will never accept this.

Observers believe that the statements of Buiser and the facts revealed by him will affect the popularity of Haftar, especially as he is witnessing a state of decline for some time now, as the cause of the dispute between the parties is the orientation of Haftar towards the militarization of the state, which is contrary to the civil state and peaceful transition of power, which Buiser has always called for.

Others believe that Buiser is a pragmatic exploiter who tried to work with Haftar, putting himself at Haftar`s disposal by supporting him politically. However, he did not get what he thought he would and so he turned on Haftar, and it would have been better for him to reveal such facts as they happened.