The President of Tunisia Beji Caid Essebsi said that his country deals with the actor party that has an impact on the ground regardless of whether or not it is legitimate.

Speaking to Al-Tunsi channel on Friday, Essebsi reaffirmed that Al-Thani’s government in Tobruk has no role on the ground, whereas in Tripoli, there is an actual rule, referring to the Salvation Government.

“The international recognition given to Tobruk government is meaningless because that government has no role in regulating the daily issues in its districts unlike the actual government operating in Tripoli.” He elaborated.

Essebsi concluded by saying that dealing with the Salvation Government in Tripoli is a must in order to solve problems and issues mutual to both countries, including border issues.

President Essebsi met Prime Minister of the SG Khalifa Al-Ghweil in Carthage on April 16.
