The Tunisian Civil Aviation and Airports Authority (OACA) has set conditions for accepting Libyans wishing to travel to Tunisia.

The authorities in Libya and Tunisia have agreed to gradually open the airspace, in accordance with the health protocols in force between the two countries, as of the beginning of October.

The conditions, which come in the framework of loosening travel restrictions between the two countries via air and land borders, include the necessity for the traveler to carry a medical certificate, confirming that he is free from the coronavirus.

The conditions also stipulate that the testing procedure is to be conducted within the same day of the trip, not exceeding 20 hours, while the decision excludes children under the age of 12 and travelers arriving on unscheduled flights from this procedure.

Air carriers will send a commitment document to the passengers to fill in the relevant information and sign the paper before returning it to the carrier company.

As for those traveling across the land borders between Libya and Tunisia; the administration explained that special procedures will be put in place as soon as the borders open.