The spokeswoman of emergency committee Hind Shubar said they had started work as per the Presidential Council (PC) orders to register the damaged public and private properties as well as the infrastructure due to the recent clashes in southern Tripoli.

Shubar said in a presser on Thursday that the damages' compensation is going to be worth 450 million dinars that will be taken from the special fund formed by the orders of the PC.

"We will form working committees inside municipalities and use the help of former committees as well to help spread about forms for the specification of the damage in each area, then we will start registering the damage that took place outside clashes' zones." Shubar added.

96 people were killed and 444 others were injured, while 17 people went missing in fierce fighting in southern Tripoli over a month ago, leading to a wave of displacement among residents and to a great damage of private and public properties due to the fall of random shells.

Infrastructure and several institutions were also damaged by the fighting, causing material loss of millions of dinars, plus plunging the capital and southern Libya into more than a blackout and water cut during clashes.

General Electricity Company of Libya (GECOL) said it had lost over 40 million dinars in the clashes in southern Tripoli as many power generators and units were damaged.

GECOL's head of media office Mohammed Al-Takouri said Thursday the electric power status is stable nowadays, denying that the company had made modifications over the last two days.